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Kingston Brand CNC Spinning Process For Venturi Tube

Kingston Brand CNC Spinning Process For Venturi Tube

The nature of venturi is generally more complex, if the use of stainless steel as venturi material, spinning process is easy to crack. CNC Spinning Machine processing venturi tube, the rigid requirements of the equipment is relatively high, and spinning technology level is also very important, the following is a brief introduction of some processing problems and solutions of venturi tube foundation.

1- Material selection: stainless steel 304 this brand has a lot of manufacturers sales, different manufacturers provide the tensile properties of the material is also different. 2- Rotary cracking: adjust the spinner knife road to overcome the material for many times due to the tensile material cracking.

3-Flange flatness: this is an important requirement of a ventusian tube, can adjust the flange surface Angle of the mold to overcome the stress of the material rebound.

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